My Practice & Services

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”Thomas A. Edison

Your commitment to wellness doesn’t happen by chance…it happens by choice.

Some of the benefits you will receive as a member of my concierge medicine practice include:


The world we live in is getting bigger and less personal. A doctor-patient relationship should be based on trust that is earned over time. As a member of my concierge practice you will have the security of knowing that I am fully committed to our long term relationship, and that I will be there for you as an individual.


When you call our office during regular hours, the phone is answered by a “real person” (and not “press one if….”) and your needs are met in a timely fashion. After hours, you can reach me easily and directly via email or cell phone. With the exception of your annual physical, we offer same-day or next business day appointments.


Your time is valuable and deserves not to be wasted! There will be as little waiting as possible (unless you are stopping by to say “Hi”). I think of how frustrating it is to reach physicians in large practices and not feeling sure how medically urgent information is being handled. There is simply no bureaucracy in our “old-style” office.


If I am away for a weekend or holiday you will still have email access to me. During times when I am truly not in easy reach, I will be covered by a group of concierge physicians who are considered among the outstanding general internists in the area and share the same personal approach to your care.

“Location, location, location”.

That is what our friends in real estate talk about and in my personalized care model, it means I will be available wherever you are located. Many patients travel for business, live part of the year away from the Greenwich area, or are simply taking a much-needed vacation. This will not change my availability by by telephone or email…my concierge care is a constant commitment to you.

House Calls, Visits to Skilled Nursing Facilities.

House calls are not a luxury, but a necessity for many patients who have difficulty getting to my office in Riverside. This, with rare exceptions, is part of the concierge care model.


I am blessed to have worked with many talented colleagues who share my commitment to excellence in patient centered care. Medical advertising is everywhere, but it’s not how I would recommend choosing a surgeon to operate on someone in my family. I spend a great deal of time following up with my patients who are referred to subspecialty colleagues to learn from their experience and see if they are happy with my referral.


Preventing a healthcare crisis makes a lot more sense than the drama of being in one! In my practice, we explore topics such as: What nutritional recommendations are proven in long-term studies? What supplements are safe? What is the effect of stress on health? Does lifestyle really matter? What screening tests are done out of fear but won’t really affect the outcome?

Comprehensive Annual Health Assessment.

A comprehensive annual physical is the cornerstone of wellness, and the cost of this exam is now included in the annual fee. You will receive a thorough examination and an appropriate array of screening tests based on age, health status and risk factors. In our ongoing efforts to assist you in adapting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and optimizing your quality of life, you will be encouraged and reminded by my staff to schedule this very important exam.